Hello there...

It occurs to me as I begin to write this (and most likely to you also, if you are reading), that this blog endeavour is not a new one. Nor will it be the last. But it is my personal chronicle, detailing my progression, development and journey into the universe that is Star Wars: Legion.

I decided to start this blog as a way to (hopefully) help those like me out there who are getting started into the hobby, or want to get started but are a bit apprehensive/unsure etc. I have literally no other experience in table top wargaming prior to this year, nor had I any experience in successfully painting miniatures a quality “table top ready” standard. 

Let me just say that I’m not going to be professing how awesome I am, far from it. I want others out there to know that if I can do it from the beginning, then they can too.

Like any good Padawan, I’ve thrown myself into my training. I constantly binge a vast assortment of Legion content daily, either via YouTube, podcasts or social media, to the point where my thoughts can sometimes be consumed with all things Legion and painting. These awesome content creators (I won’t name them now, maybe in another post, but thank you to you all!) spur my passion for this hobby onwards and inspire me (and many many others) to be creative and true to my Legion vision.

I’d first heard about Legion through a page I followed on Instagram. My first impression was much the same as many Star Wars enthusiasts, “damn that’s cool”! Sadly though, there wasn’t a follow up post and I never ventured beyond my first impression. That was mid 2018, not long after Fantasy Flight Games had released Legion.

Fast forward to 2019, or more accurately November of that year, and Legion smacked me in the face again on the same Instagram page. This time, I didn’t just gaze with amazement and awe at the meticulous paintwork, I cajoled my father (also a long time fan) into starting this hobby with me. Didn’t take much convincing!! So I trawled the net trying to find core boxes and stock (which was surprisingly difficult in Australia), threw money at a box and some yet unreleased FFG paints, and held out until they arrived so we could open on Christmas morning and immediately take up the Galactic Civil War.

Alas, our staunch imperial might and lofty aspirations of rebellion and democracy did not take flight until March 2020. Two years after Legion was originally released. Talk about being late to a party!

Now a short hyperspace journey later, and Dad and I still are yet to play a game. We’d planned to visit a couple of local tournaments over the past few months but the current climate has prevented us from immersing ourselves into the ever growing community (we may get to MOAB yet). 

But our factions and models are slowly getting painted, as well as tables and terrain being built, so it’s only a matter of time before the rebellion is crushed...
