Are we blind??

The thought of painting white still scared me. There were so many talented painters out there who either struggled themselves or had a lot more time to get it right, I had neither the talent or the time. I have to squeeze in painting between work and juggling my 3 kids.

But I had to make a start, so I chose something in what I would consider mid range - Scout troopers. 

More specifically, I moved on to the speeder bikes from the core set, focusing on the riders. There is still quite a bit of white to be painted, but also plenty of black which offset the white problem I had with the troopers. 

Whilst I was happy with the end result of the riders, I wasn’t really sure I wanted to paint the whole squad in the standard attire they’re known for. I had wanted to paint my scouts in camouflage for an endor theme (not entirely an original idea), and being Australian, I thought it pertinent to go with the Australian Army camo pattern. Confident there wouldn’t be many of that variety out there at least, I started with the strike team.

I planned my attack; photo references at hand, my colours sorted, new paint brushes acquired, and the models primed. And I launched into their painting, hungry to succeed and get some models on the table. 

Wow. With the first trooper done, the spotter, I was ecstatic. It had come out even better than expected! So I went straight on to the sniper himself and was exceptionally pleased with how he turned out too.

Had my skills slightly improved in a few short months? It sure seemed like it, which I was incredibly pleased about. But the camo was more forgiving than the white. Although, I think I’ll bite the bullet and finish the scout squad in their traditional scheme. 

EDIT: excuse the unfinished bases, was excited to snap them up at the time
